Bitter is Better: Why Stay Hooked on Sugar?
Have you ever wondered why the American diet has raised so many concerns among the mainstream media?
When it comes to the most bitter-phobic and sugar-public culture, the United States of America ranks at the top.
Most times, chocolate and coffee would have passed for some bitter foods, but they get adulterated with very high quantities of sugar.
Fortunately, in recent years, there has been a huge wave of reawakening sweeping across this continent, and many people are beginning to re-evaluate their nutritional priorities.
In most parts of Africa, certain edible bitter greens are prepared in the most palatable of ways you can ever imagine!

Should you have an opportunity of treating yourself to a typical bowl of either bitter leaves soup or ndolé (made with Vernonia amygdalina), you would certainly find a reason, to stay glued to it; I bet you!
They are both good, and you could take that to the bank!
The European ancient culture includes bitters in their diet while the Chinese serve something bitter as a component of their meals. Does this not ring a bell?
Excellent research has identified the culprit, which is a major dietary contributor to the high prevalence of heart diseases and other diseased conditions.
I can guess what you are thinking of – saturated fats, but you would be surprised; (drum roll), that it is sugar.
Is this not fascinating to know? Ignorance: they say, is bliss, because with knowledge comes responsibility.
Would you rather stay stuck to your old ways?
When was the last time you picked up a box of cookies or anything sweet which had the American Heart Association’s (AHA) seal of approval? Think about it!
What are your nutritional priorities? Are you rather appealing to your taste buds?
Consider including bitters in your diet and discover the enormous benefits that come with them.
Benefits of bitters
They are a vital component of optimal digestion because they stimulate the liver to produce bile.
Do you want to challenge your liver to work and make you stay healthy?
Consider including bitters in your diet.
Boost your bitters intake

Fueling Healthy Living
Include at least, 5 servings of vegetables in your daily meals.
Good examples include radicchio, Brussels sprouts, arugula, endives, and asparagus.
Bitter fruits are equally good.
- Bitter Leaves tea (Vernonia amygdala): This is a 100% organic tea, cultivated, carefully hand-picked, and packaged by Prime Health Focus. It could be taken once daily to reap its bountiful benefits.
- Bitter Tonics: There are quite a good number of them out there. Examples include Swedish bitters, Angostura bitters, and African brands like Yoyo bitters and Alomo bitters. Oftentimes, these bitter tonics are composed of the great yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea); which is a nontoxic root in an alcohol base.
- Bitter melon: They come in various species. The ones grown in India are intensely bitter, while those from China are less bitter. Take your pick. After all, they are both excellent for your health. We might want to summon the Okinawans on this one because they present the world’s longest lifespans.
Everything bitter is not edible. Some bitter things are toxic.
Recommendation for further reading
The Wild Medicine Solution: Healing with Aromatic, Bitter and Tonic Plants by Guido Masé.
It makes an interesting read, and you would find this book, life-changing.
Dear Healthy Primers, how sweet is your sweet tooth? Consider challenging it as often as you can, and your liver would thank you for it! The power is in your hand because you can do it!
What are your most preferred bitter foods?
I love this bitter tea, It’s very healthy!
Great information. Will order some better tea today. Thank you coach.