Can Secondhand Marijuana Smoke Affect You?
Is secondhand smoke limited to cigarettes or can it be associated with marijuana as well?
When I was 12 years, one of my childhood friends and I tried out a hair recipe given to us by an older friend. It involved adding some marijuana seeds to our hair cream. First, we needed to fry, grind, and mix the seeds in our hair cream.
We were excited about this new recipe and could not wait to try it out! The D-day came, and here we were all geared up to begin.
We put the seeds in a frying pan, but noticed, that the seeds kept popping out of it, so we got a deeper pot, transferred the seeds into it, and covered the pot with a lid that did not firmly fit.
We were using a 3-stone fireplace to do the magic! The last thing I remember, was when my friend and I transferred the seeds from the frying pan to the deeper pot. Until this day, I do not remember any other thing that happened afterward!
All I can share with you is, that my mother came in at 7:PM, and found us, including my 2 younger brothers laying deep asleep on the floor; that separated our kitchen and our main house. We had been sleeping since 9:AM! That was something!
Interestingly, neither of us was able to figure out what had happened until so many years down the line, when I began taking courses in Mental Health Nursing.
The knowledge I acquired enabled me to accurately link up all those coordinates, plot, and interpret my graph!
That is how ignorance holds one bound until knowledge comes in to illuminate and eradicate every dint of darkness that possessed it! Knowledge properly applied, is truly power!
What is marijuana smoke?
When you burn seeds(like I deed), leaves, stems, or flowers of the Cannabis sativa plant, smoke is created.
In this current dispensation, so many people use marijuana for several reasons. While some use it for recreational purposes, others do so for medicinal reasons.
However, there are so many concerns as to whether or not, smoking marijuana is sufficiently safe, or whether its second-hand smoke could affect someone in any way,
The main constituent of marijuana
THC is a chemical found in marijuana. When you smoke or inhale second-hand marijuana smoke, THC has the potential to do the following:
- Blocks pain
- Conveys a deep feeling of relaxation.
- Has hallucinogenic, depressant, and stimulant effects,
- Has the potential to negatively affect your ability to operate a car or concentrate.
- There is a high possibility of experiencing that euphoric feeling(high).
- Generally, THC affects people in diverse ways; most especially when it comes to one’s level of exposure to this chemical.
Can second-hand marijuana smoke get you high?
Just like you are different from everyone one else, so does marijuana smoke affect you differently?
Regardless of who smokes marijuana or is exposed to its smoke, there would always be variations in their test results.
A recent study involving people who smoked in high quantities, and those who were exposed to the smoke, showed levels of THC; triggering positive results in their urine drug tests.
It was also noted that poor ventilation facilities were contributing to this outcome.
Therefore, being occasionally exposed to second-hand marijuana smoke does not situate you in the same category as it would have done if you were being regularly exposed to someone who smokes marijuana.
In another study involving smokers and non-smokers of marijuana who were confined in a much more ventilated space for several hours, the level of THC that was present in their urine was not sufficient to trigger a positive result.
Good levels of ventilation were affecting the outcome of their tests.
The downsides of second-hand marijuana smoke
The likelihood of experiencing a contact high is very slim.
However, some consequences come with second-hand exposure to marijuana smoke. Some of them include the following:
Some people say marijuana gives them a feeling of calmness. However, others say, they end up feeling tired.
Similar feelings could be experienced if you are exposed to marijuana smoke for long periods.
Long exposure to marijuana smoke, could ignite in you, feelings of dizziness.
Delayed reflexes
Who does not want to be on the alert while driving? Your reaction time could be at risk here. Yes, that is what high levels of THC do.
In as much as marijuana has been legalized in so many countries of the world, and many people find a justifiable reason to use it for medical purposes, it does not discount the fact, that it might not be safe for everyone!
Exposure to second-hand smoke from marijuana comes with the likelihood of negatively affecting your ability to perform tasks that require a great deal of concentration (like driving).
My take
If you are a pregnant woman or dealing with mental health challenges, you might want to consider giving this a deep thought in terms of avoiding second-hand smoke from marijuana.
Be wise, and do the right thing, because the power is in your hand!
How often are you exposed to any kind of second-hand smoke?
One Comment
Second-hand smoke is unpleasant for those who do not smoke. Crazy enough when adults subject their children to this in close quarters, whether in a car or a room. Terrible judgement by the adults! Thank you coach for highlighting this.