Standing Up Against Coronavirus (COVID-19): Smart Ways
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting diverse aspects of our lives so much so that, standing up against its prevalence and adopting smart ways to deal with this public health menace is inevitable.
To get the most up-to-date news on the coronavirus pandemic, I urge you to visit the WHO website.
Understandably, this ravaging pandemic is no “respecter of persons” and has altered our lives in many ways than one.
The compelling power of the wave of change
The frustrations range from cancellations/delays of social events, travel, and face-to-face teaching/learning to voluntary/involuntary isolations of individuals in a bid to curb the spread of the virus.
Have you noticed this continuous wave of restructuring; that is sweeping across the globe, is compelling us to make certain beneficial changes that we would ordinarily not do as often as we should?
To reduce the exposure to this virus, it is required, that we all observe the public measures that are geared toward slowing the spread of this merciless Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Currently, no one knows for how long these safety measures would last, but there is no perfect time to protect ourselves and improve our health status by doing the right things.
Social distancing
All around the world, the efforts to stop COVID-19 are escalating, thus compelling individuals and communities to protect one another.
Besides Antarctica, this virus has swept across every continent thereby obliging us to adhere to the stringent and effective measures that have been suggested to us by medical experts.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends staying 6 feet away from potentially contagious or sick people.
Does this ring a bell in our ears?
We should make conscious efforts towards reducing social gatherings and increasing social distancing.
When we do this, the current coordinates that have been plotted on this hurtful and debilitating graph will be positively altered and the pay-off would be a flatter curve.
How about that for an agreed plan of action?
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has a very effective pre-pandemic structure for mitigating the spread of diseases.
Wash your hands
My question here is: before the Coronavirus (COVID-19), pandemic, how often did we wash our hands?
So many of us are guilty here because we seldom wash them as often as we should.
During this period, we should wash our hands FREQUENTLY with soap, and always ensure, that we do so for at least 20 seconds.
There are so many benefits that accrue from washing our hands.
Should you desire to learn more about the advantages of washing your hands, check out this previous article which I wrote sometime last year.
Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize
In addition to using hand sanitizers in sanitizing our hands, we can also keep the surfaces in our homes free of germs by thoroughly sanitizing and disinfecting them with EPA-approved substances like Lysol and Clorox.
Watch out for surfaces you get in contact with in public!
Some of them include grocery shelves, grocery cart handles, fuel-pump handles, doorknobs, and ATMs.
Please, be sure to discard the used wipes or swabs in a trash can, and refrain from throwing them on the ground!
Endeavor to sanitize your house as well.
Remember that your cell phone is not left out.
Learn how to disinfect your phone here, and you would be glad you did.
Eat healthy foods that boost your immunity
If you are a regular reader of the articles I post on this Blog, you would attest to the fact, that I could not emphasize enough on this point.
When we choose to prioritize health and nutrition during this period of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we are invariably choosing to act smart.
Eat foods that are rich in vitamin C, because they help in boosting your immune system.
Some of its bountiful benefits include the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.
You can get vitamin C from citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and tangerines.
Other good sources include but are not limited to strawberries, kiwifruit, papaya, and vegetables like kale and cauliflower.
Do not ditch your physical exercise
This is not the time to think about going to the gym or walking to the public park!
Be creative in finding alternative ways to engage in physical exercise.
Stand up and walk, and stretch your arms and legs while sitting on a couch or laying down in bed!
Do some push-ups against the sanitized (LOL) counter tops, bathroom sink, or other sturdier surfaces.
Just figure out something that keeps you active and keeps your blood pumping!
Stay hydrated
This is the time to drink lots of clean warm water.
You may choose to throw in a few lemon slices to your warm water for its detoxifying and alkalizing effects.
Remember that it is also rich in vitamin C!
Eat fresh fruits, because they are loaded with water and help with hydration and the provision of many useful vitamins and minerals that help in boosting your immunity.
Be sure to eat your fruits immediately cut them open, and refrain from peeling quantities you cannot finish in one sitting.
Avoid handshakes
While Germany has suspended shaking of hands, France has vehemently discouraged cheek-kissing.
Did you know that you are not automatically protected from having contact with the virus because you regularly sanitize your hands?
This Coronavirus (COVID-19) has the potential to spread through bodily fluids from spitting, kissing, and coughing.
Did you also know that a potential mode of spread could even be heavy breathing because it propels vaporized moisture into the air?
It just suffices to either breathe it in, get it on something and rub your mouth, eyes, or nose to complete the transfer.
Therefore, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth when your hands have not been properly washed or sanitized.
Stay positive
Keeping a positive mindset is what we all need during this time because it contributes toward keeping us mentally and physically in check!
Call your loved ones, play with your pets, cuddle with your kids, or spouse, do some yoga or meditation and listen to music you like.
Refrain from unhealthy and unhelpful practices like drugs, smoking, and alcohol as a means of handling stress.
Take advantage of this time to bond more with your family members and rekindle the strength of your family bonds/relationships.
Use this time in helping your kids out with their virtual schoolwork.
Read a book, cook a nice healthy meal for your family, and hope for the best.
Should you notice that you are feeling feverish, experiencing difficulty in breathing, or having a dry cough, please, do not hesitate to contact your primary health care provider.
You have the power in your hand, and you can do it!
Stay alert and act smart!
” A stitch in time saves nine.”
We are in this together, and this too shall surely pass!
One Comment
Excellent advice and timely. Thanks coach.