The Bountiful Nutritional Benefits of Okra
Okra provides a huge source of nutritional benefits to anyone who consumes it, and it is also known as ladies’ fingers or gumbo.

The viscosity of slime contained in okra is loaded with fiber, minerals, and vitamins.
In some parts of the world, it is cultivated as a cash crop, because of its bountiful nutritional benefits.
Did you know that several debates have sparked regarding the geographical origin of okra?
Understandably, these controversies are suggestive of the nutritional value of this superfood.
Okra is very popular among different cuisines and could be used as a soup thickener, fried in batter, served with a dip of your choice, or made as a sauce.
I have a son who chews on it raw! Yes, he does.
Nutrient Powerhouse
Besides niacin, iron, copper, and phosphorus, okra is a repository of antioxidants.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has provided the following nutritional facts on okra:
The oligomeric catechins and flavonoids found in the seeds of okra have been shown to lower the risks of cancer.

Phenolic compounds and quercetin derivatives are loaded in the seeds and pods of okra and provide anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory benefits to the body.
Binds cholesterol/heart health
Some people stay away from okra, because of its slime.
Did you know that this mucilage substance binds cholesterol and bile acid? It detoxifies the liver and eliminates the annoying toxins from the body. Is this not a valid reason to eat more okra?
Foods rich in fiber are known to reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the blood, stroke, heart diseases, diabetes, and obesity.
Consuming foods high in fiber slows down the rate of heart diseases in those who already have them.
Improved bone health
Okra is high in Vitamin K, which is good for the ossification of bones, because it helps the bone absorb calcium.
Strengthen your bones and reduce your risks for fractures by eating okra.
Improved gastrointestinal health
Maintain a healthy digestive system by preventing constipation.
Research has shown that there is less chance of developing colorectal cancer if one’s diet is high in fiber.
Checks diabetes
A research study revealed a lower blood glucose level in diabetic rats that consumed powder made out of the pods and seeds of okra as opposed to those that did not.
In my opinion, this is suggestive of future diabetic therapies.

Should you be on blood thinners, please, moderate your consumption of okra, because it contains vitamin K.
Now, what is your new perspective on okra?
Go grab some and improve on your wellness. Remember: The power is in your hand!
Okra , here we come! It makes a lot of sense, as this is consumed by various cultures everywhere. Thanks again.