Eat Right

You are What You Do not Eat

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What do you not eat? 

you are what you do not eat
Fueling Healthy Living

The twist

Have you ever heard someone say: “You are what you eat from head to feet?” If your answer is yes, then let us switch this saying around, and see what we could make of it.

” You are what you do not eat from head to feet.” How about that?

Certainly, there are obvious consequences resulting from eating or not eating certain classes of food.

Overeating could also pose a challenge, people! When you eat right, you choose life- It is that simple!

However, no one has absolute control overstaying well due to certain inevitable factors like hereditary(inherited), congenital (born with it), and sometimes, autoimmune(instead of defending the body against diseases, the immune system rather begins attacking itself).

 There is so much one could do to stay safe from environmental causes too.

This is real, people! It is real!

Diverse perspectives

From time immemorial, there have been different perspectives as to what healthy eating should be.

We have been urged to adopt high/no protein, no/low fat, protein bars/drinks, and the list goes on and on.

One thing is clear; our bodies need food to survive and serve as fuel for our bodies and most especially; the brain without which, we would begin to feel a lack of energy and motivation due to fatigue.

Your decision counts

For starters, when you choose to ignore including essential micro/macronutrients in your meals, the consequences become regrettably obvious, and you would have to address them accordingly.

The risk of developing digestive issues and becoming deficient in minerals and vitamins emerge as a result of avoiding/not including enough of them in one’s meals.

Did you know that you need vegetables and fruits for the provision of fiber and the facilitation of fecal elimination?

Root vegetables

Most root vegetables provide excellent sources of minerals, phytonutrients, and vitamin C; a powerful antioxidant that facilitates iron absorption in body tissues.

Step up on iron!

Moreover, did you know, that iron is an essential constituent of hemoglobin which plays a vital role in carrying oxygen to other parts of the body?

Yes, that is exactly what it does, people! That besides the risk of becoming anemic, iron deficiency will affect all body functions. What do I think?

As for me, Eating right implies: “Enjoying your food, in the quantities that are great for your wellness.”

For instance, you might enjoy eating cakes, very sweet desserts, and pastries, but only a small quantity is good for you.

On the other hand, you might find dark green leafy vegetables enjoyable, but guess what? Larger quantities are great for you!

Be in-charge

So, be wise in your decision-making and consider food choices that promote your wellness.

Keep striving towards staying well. You do have an essential role to play in staying well.

You have the power in your hand. You can do it!