8 ways of doing a full detox
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8 Ways of Doing a Full Body Detoxification

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Have you done some kind of full body detoxification or the other, and what does it mean to you?

When you choose to pursue a specific diet or products to eliminate toxins from your body, improve your health status, and promote weight loss, you are definitely on some kind of detox journey.

In the quest for detoxifying their bodies, some people use vitamins, diuretics, minerals, teas, laxatives, and even foods believed to have detoxifying constituents.

Interestingly, in the context of detoxification, the term “toxin” is incompletely defined.

Generally, a typical definition does not exclude other contributing factors that negatively affect health like; synthetic chemicals, pollutants, processed foods, and heavy metals.

What I am saying…

Most popular detox courses either fail to identify the specific toxins they are targeting or mention the mechanism for elimination.

Did you know that your body is innately designed to eliminate toxins?

Therefore, you can achieve a good detox without considering neither very expensive supplements nor special diets. How about that?

Your role in detoxification

All you need do is to enhance your body’s natural ability to detoxify and rejuvenate itself. How is this a solution?

Furthermore, there is an absence of evidence supporting the use of diets as a means of eliminating toxins.

How your body eliminates toxins

When it comes to naturally eliminating toxins from your body, your skin, lungs, kidneys, and liver are in charge!

Your role

Therefore, your role is to:

  • Ensure, that these organs are functioning effectively so that they can do what they are meant to do.
  • Optimize your body’s natural ability to detox itself.

Here is how:

Cut down on alcohol

Stop putting unnecessary strain on your liver by consuming so much alcohol, because more than 90% of it gets metabolized here.

Guess what? When your liver enzymes are at work, alcohol gets metabolized to acetaldehyde which is a  known carcinogenic substance.

When your liver recognizes this toxin, it converts it to acetate which is harmless and ends up being eliminated from your body. How awesome.

Unlike excessive alcohol consumption which has the potential of causing a plethora of health challenges, moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial for heart health,

Consider avoiding fat buildup, scarring, and inflammation in your liver by saying “NO” to excessive drinking.

Keep your body’s natural ability to detox itself by either abstaining from alcohol or limiting its consumption, because alcohol limits the liver’s ability to play its role of detoxifying the body.

Infuse your water with citrus fruits for a more rewarding effect.

Sleep more

Your body needs sleep for several reasons. When you get enough sleep every day, you improve on your health and detoxifying ability.

When you sleep, your brain not only gets recharged and reorganized but accumulated toxic by-products equally get eliminated.

a ways of doing full body detoxification
Fueling Healthy Living

One of the culprits, that plays a very vital contributive role to the development of Alzheimer’s disease, is a protein called beta-amyloid.

Sleep deprivation robs your body of the adequate amount of time it requires to perform its detoxifying role. As a result, toxins get built up, and your body’s health status gets seriously affected.

Both short and long terms health challenges associated with poor sleep have been linked to high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, (metabolic syndrome)

Therefore, consider getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

Drink plenty of water

The benefits of drinking water and staying hydrated could not be over-emphasized.

Besides regulating your body temperature, aiding your digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, lubricating your joints, and quenching your thirst, water detoxifies you as well!

Because your body requires energy to keep functioning at its optimum, your cells are required to be repaired continuously.

During these phases, wastes get eliminated in the form of carbon dioxide and uric acid.

A build-up of these waste products in your blood has the potential of causing serious harm to your overall health status.

Water is needed in the transportation and efficient removal of toxins via sweating, urination, and breathing.

Do you now find a justifiable reason to stay hydrated?

Limit sugar and processed foods

In this current dispensation, these two culprits are a menace to public health.

Obesity and other disturbing chronic health conditions namely, cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases are linked to high consumption of sugar and processed foods.

Your body’s ability to detoxify itself does not only get impeded by these culprits, but they cause harm to your liver and kidneys.

Avoid developing a fatty liver by limiting sugary beverages.

Rather consider healthier food options by limiting junk food, people, and curb your temptations by not bringing junk food home from the store!

Go for foods rich in antioxidants.

Send oxidative stress parking by putting those annoying free radicals at bay with the help of foods rich in antioxidants.

8 ways of doing full body dteox
Fueling Healthy Living

For certain cellular processes like poor diet, alcohol, tobacco smoke, digestion, and exposure to pollutants, your body produces free radicals.

When you eat foods rich in antioxidants, you indirectly help your body fight oxidative stress.

Prioritize food sources over supplements as a way of furnishing your body with antioxidants.

Did you know that you could increase your risk of certain diseases if you take supplements in large amounts? Consider giving this a thought!

Vitamins A, C, E, lycopene, selenium, zeaxanthin, and lutein are good examples of antioxidants. Did you know that you could get good antioxidants from vegetables, spices, berries, nuts, fruits, cocoa, green tea, and green coffee?

Lower your risk of heart diseases, and fight against free radicals by consuming foods rich in antioxidants.

Choose foods high in prebiotics.

Prioritize your gut health and pamper it to the fullest with constant consumption of prebiotics (a specific fiber whose role is to feed the good bacteria present in your gut).

These bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids, which are nutrients, and they keep your body’s detoxification ability in check.

However, from the use of antibiotics, poor diet, or dental health, there could be a development of imbalance in your good gut bacteria (intestinal dysbiosis).

As a result of this unhealthy imbalance, your immune system becomes adversely affected, and this compromises your body’s ability to detoxify itself as well.

Hence, the risk of developing diseases and inflammation becomes inevitable.

Therefore, include foods like bananas, artichokes, onions, green plantains, garlic, oats, and asparagus in your meals, because they are a storehouse of prebiotics, and have the potential of keeping your immune system and your body’s detoxifying ability in check.

How much greater could this be?

8 ways of doing full body detoxifcation
Fuelling Healthy Living
8 ways of doing a full body detoxification
Fueling Healthy Living

How much salt do you consume?

There are different approaches to detoxing and eliminating excess water could be the objective of some people.

Should you identify with this goal, then consuming too much salt is counter-productive, because salt retains fluid.

The situation worsens if you do not drink enough water, or if you have a diseased liver or kidney. Yep!

Thereafter, the build-up of this excess fluid causes bloating and makes you feel uncomfortable.

To solve this, you should increase your water consumption (which sounds paradoxical), because the antidiuretic hormone which prevents you from urinating gets secreted when you consume too much salt and insufficient water. 

Conversely, an increase in the consumption of water reduces the secretion of antidiuretic hormone; thereby increasing the elimination of waste matter and water by way of urination.

Eat foods rich in potassium to check some of these menacing effects of salt. Examples include kidney beans, potatoes, bananas, spinach, and squash.

Keep moving!

Get up and move! Do something! Move something! If you do not use it, you will surely lose it!

Engage in regular exercise, people.

Do not focus on your body weight, because of the unimaginable associated benefits.

When you engage in physical exercise, you live longer, you reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and even certain cancers.

Physical exercise helps in reducing inflammation, which compromises your immune system thereby promoting diseased states.

Although certain types of inflammations are required namely, healing of wounds and recovery from infections, your body’s ability to function and detoxify itself weakens if the inflammation becomes alarming.

Consequently, reducing the inflammation helps your body recover and resume its detoxifying capacity.

Alternative ways

Besides the aforementioned suggestions, other methods include:

  • The use of organic body/cleaning products, because they do not contain lead, mercury, hydroquinone, or other heavy metals which could be very harmful to the health.
  • Create a special bond with cilantro as the main herb in your food preparations, because it enhances the excretion of heavy metals.
  • An algae like chlorella does a wonderful job too!
  • Eat foods high in Sulphur. Examples include onions, garlic, broccoli, and cabbages.

Now, you know! How often do you engage in full body detox and which method do you use?