9 Powerful Ways of Reducing Inflammation in Your Body
Effects of chronic inflammation
However, bear in mind, that when inflammation gets chronic, it becomes harmful, and its long-term chronicity could be devastating to your health.
Examples of chronic states of inflammation include rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, obesity, different kinds of cancers and diabetes.
Reality check
This sounds very concerning, does it not?
It therefore justifies reasons as to why you should consider foods that reduce inflammation, because it is a very smart decision which is geared towards promoting optimum health for you, thereby helping you stay healthily primed.
How about that?
Reduce inflammation
Did you know, that when most of those anti-inflammatory medications (I intentionally choose to not mention names) are used for a long time, they could cause several health problems?
When you use such medications over a long time, you potentially expose yourself to health debilitating risks such as kidney damage, ulcers, more susceptibility to heart attacks and strokes and toxicity of the liver.
Yes, that is what is likely to happen!
The role of cortisol in curbing inflammation and its accompanying nasty effects
Cortisol is an anti-inflammatory hormone which plays a key role in all stress responses.
However, when cortisol hormone is used to slow down or stop the chemical processes that are involved in inflammation, I bet you, the consequences of using them for a long period of time could be heart-wrenching!
Yes, it is that concerning!
Some of them include, but not limited to, potential weakness of connective tissues, low potassium levels, high blood pressure and unstable pH levels.
Did you also know, that when your pH level is not balanced, you become very susceptible to many health challenges?
Therefore, you can reduce inflammation by considering the following 9 suggestions:
Incorporate turmeric in your meals
The thought of turmeric reminds me of its bright-yellow color, and how it always takes nearly everything I eat to another level!
Turmeric has compounds which are packed with powerful medicinal properties, and these compounds are known as curcuminoids.
Now, I want to tell you a secret: among all these curcuminoids, there is one, which is the most important of them all!
It is called curcumin, and it is the main active ingredient in turmeric, because it is loaded with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects!
Yes, it is that good, people!
Ginger is a lifesaver
Ginger and turmeric are ‘first cousins’ and for centuries, ginger has been used in alternative and traditional medicine, because of its medicinal properties.
When you consume ginger, you benefit from gingerol which is a bioactive compound.
In addition, there are enormous antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties found in ginger.
Are you finding that the ageing process seems to be coming faster than you expected?
This could either be as a result of chronic inflammation or oxidative stress.
Did you know, that age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease could be associated with oxidative stress and chronic inflammation?
Ginger can help you fix this in unimaginable ways. Thanks to its rich abundance in anti-inflammatory properties, and antioxidants.
You can find more tips on the health benefits of ginger here.
Eat vegetable salad everyday
Dark leafy greens are rich in antioxidants and loaded with anti-inflammatory properties which your body needs on daily basis.
In addition, include other vegetables of various dyes such as purple cabbage and other root vegetables like; beets and radishes, because they also provide additional nourishment to your body.
Throw in some fresh ginger, black pepper or cloves to your vinaigrette for additional anti-inflammatory benefits and more flavor.
Drink more green/black tea
Green and black tea are powerhouses of polyphenols.
Polyphenols have very powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
I also enjoy oolong tea.
Check out the health benefits of oolong tea here.
On a personal note, I prefer green over black tea, because it is an excellent source of epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG).
This type of polyphenol has very potent antioxidant effects.
Embrace cloves
It is fascinating to learn, that cloves have some of the highest antioxidant activity.
The active compound in clove is called, eugenol.
Eugenol also suppresses inflammatory pathways thereby inhibiting the progression of asthma and the growth of cancer cells.
There are lots of on-going researches exploring eugenol’s potential for treating diabetes and depression.
Be kind to your gut
How much probiotics do you include in your meals?
How often to do support those good microbes that dwell in your gut and promote your wellbeing?
Do you protect them by cutting down on the consumption of sugars, trans fats and processed foods which are loaded with all kinds of nitrites?
How often do you consume foods that are rich in probiotics?
Every culture has their version of probiotics, hence take advantage of them.
Some examples include, kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, yoghurt, fermented locust beans and many more.
Did you know that you need to include prebiotics such as onions, leeks, garlic, bananas asparagus and many more to your meals, because they provide a very useful source of fiber and ‘fertilizer’ to your probiotics?
Rosemary is more than just a spice
Increased inflammatory pathways in the body coupled with some changes in the gut-brain axis could give rise to depression.
Rosemary possesses biologically active compounds that induce anti-inflammatory effects, which in turn impact the brain and the gut,
There is credible research that points to rosemary as a very potent therapy in the treatment of depression by alleviating brain inflammation and rebalancing gut microbiome.
What are you waiting for?
Go grab some rosemary for yourself today!
Make smart food choices
Always be on the lookout for the kinds of ingredients listed/added to the food choices you make.
The less amount of ingredients, the better for you.
Watch out for synthetic food dyes as most of them are triggers of inflammation.
Beware of the types of food additives you are pushing down your throat!
Drink water
Water is a source of life.
The benefits of drinking water and staying hydrated could not be over-emphasized.
Water flushes out toxins from your body and keeps you energized and refreshed.
We must continuously replace the water we drink, because our bodies are comprised of 70% water.
The choice of fluid replacement you make, accounts for the type of health benefits you enjoy thereof.
Therefore, when you consciously choose water, you make profound difference to your health.
It is saddening to observe, that in most societies, a lot of people replace their fluids by drinking alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, and other highly acidic fluids.
I advise you to make water your main source of fluid replacement, because by doing so, you will not only maintain optimum health, but you will reduce your risk of inflammatory disorders like arthritis from occurring.
To learn more about staying hydrated, check this out!
Now you know.
I urge you to think smart, make smart food choices and remain mindful of what you eat, because you have the power in your hand, and you can do it!
Stay healthily primed!
Very Useful information. Thanks for sharing
Great information for everyday living. Thank you.