11 Types of Food That Promote a Healthy Skin
Everyone desires a smooth and healthy skin, but how many people consider the right types of food that promote this desired outcome?
You want to get complimented for your good skin, not your make-up!
It is okay to wear make-up, but it would be great, if it were an addition to your already healthy and supple skin.
When you consume foods that are rich in anti-oxidants, you indirectly provide protection for your body.
The other side
While some foods promote healthy skin, foods like carbohydrates, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats rather sag and damage the skin.
How to eat for a smooth and healthy skin
When you eat foods that promote a smooth and healthy skin, you also improve on your overall health.
Therefore, in order to achieve a smooth and healthy skin, focus on healthy meals that include more of those foods that promote a smooth and healthy skin.
Here are 11 types of foods that promote a smooth and healthy skin:
Do you want a smooth and healthy skin?
Drink plenty of water to keep your skin moist, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, flush out all those toxins from your body that cause your skin to age faster.
You can derive water from fruits, vegetables, fresh juices and green smoothies.
Eat foods that contain lots of selenium
Did you know that when you eat foods that contain selenium, you indirectly provide your skin with a very powerful protective layer from free radicals that cause wrinkles, skin damage, dry skin and other signs of most of those things you might not like about your skin?
Often times, when cancer comes in contact with any skin that consumes foods with lots of selenium, it flees with its tail in between its legs!
You can derive selenium from mushrooms, nuts, salmon, tuna, cod, shrimps, sardines, crab, thoroughly cooked beef, and sprouted- whole wheat bread or pasta.
Drink green tea
In a cup of green tea, lies a rich powerhouse of anti-oxidants from which you might want to benefit.
Green tea has a very transforming effect on your skin, because it prevents sun damage on the skin, slows down DNA damage and helps stop inflammations that are likely to cause all kinds of skin irritations.
Personally, when I began including green tea in my organic skin regimen, I noticed a significant improvement in the texture and appearance of skin. All you need to do is drink green tea, sit back, and watch what it does for your skin.
Eat foods that contain lots of anti-oxidants

Do you desire to slow down or prevent those ugly free radicals that damage your skin?
Go ahead and eat foods like fresh tomatoes, beets, spinach, squash, tangerines, sweet potatoes, beans and peppers.
Eat foods with high levels of CoenzymeQ10.
Your body needs antioxidants to fight against free radicals, hence it makes them for that purpose.
However, as you get older, your body’s ability to make most of these antioxidants depletes, thereby requiring you to eat foods to boost them.
One of these anti-oxidants is called, CoQ10, and it helps in making energy and promoting your cells to work better.
You might want to consider skin products that contain CoQ10 to help minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
You can increase your CoQ10 by eating liver, tuna, poultry, whole grains and salmon.
Consider good oils that promote a smooth and healthy skin
If you want a great skin, choose oils that are high in essential fatty acids. Good examples include, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil, and sweet almond oil. These oils will make your skin glow, and leave it looking smooth and healthy.
Boost a smooth and healthy skin by eating foods that contain vitamin A
“From their color, you shall know them!”
Say goodbye to dull, dry, flaky skin by consuming foods that provide you with good amounts of vitamin A.
Improve your wrinkles and age spots with skin products that contain retinoids.
Some sources of vitamins A include; eggs, cantaloupe, orange, mango, papaya, and carrots.
Eat healthy fats
When you consume healthy fats, you curb the appearance of blemishes and dryness, because you have improved on your skin’s natural oil barrier.
Essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 are very useful in keeping your skin younger, smoother, and healthier.
Good sources include, but not limited to wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, olive oil, flaxseeds, and walnuts.
Eat foods that protect your skin from sun damage
Understandably, we get exposed to sunlight whose ultra violet rays damage our skin.
Therefore, consuming foods that protect your skin’s elastin and collagen from sun damage is vital.
To fix this, eat foods that contain vitamin C. Examples include, citrus fruits, papaya, broccoli, and greens.
Boost your healthy skin with vitamin E
In order to replenish your skin with anti-oxidants that sun damage and inflammation have depleted, eat dark leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, healthy vegetable oils, asparagus, olives, and spinach.

Avocados are packed with wonderful health benefits, namely; brain health, heart health and skin health.
They keep your skin moisturized, flexible, and protect it against sun damage that causes aging and wrinkles.
Did you know that avocados are very high in vitamin E?
Do you desire a healthy skin?
Start doing the aforementioned, and you will definitely put me on speed dial!
Eat healthy meals and keep your skin looking healthy always.
What do you eat to keep your skin healthy?
One Comment
Coach, yet another great article! Thank you.