4 Surprising Foods that Boost Your Metabolism
While certain foods wreck your metabolism, others boost it, and this could also be surprising to many people.
There are so many factors that influence your level of metabolism.
Generally, your metabolism slows down with age, but if you are leading a physically active lifestyle, you could have a much better metabolism when you grow older.
I do not know of anyone; who enjoys a sluggish metabolism.
How would you feel, if you were to go for 2-3 days without doing “number two?”
I can only imagine the bloating and discomfort you would feel!
Metabolic activities Vs Elimination
Metabolic activities initiate the production of waste materials in the body.
Did you know, that the environment is also a potential source of some of these waste materials?
Elimination of waste materials from the body is very vital because it helps maintain homeostasis.
Choose your foods wisely
You can transform your metabolism and transform your health when you choose the right foods to eat.
For instance, canola oil is very inflammatory, and slows down the metabolism real hard!
Foods like cauliflower, broccoli, and spinach are excellent options to consider when you want to boost your metabolism.
Stay away from foods that cause inflammations, digestive issues, and hormonal imbalance, as well as slowing down your metabolism, hence shutting down your body’s fat-burning potential.
It does not matter whether or not you are eating “healthily” or staying physically active.
If you are consuming foods that kill your metabolism, your efforts to burn fat might just be counterproductive.
Here are 4 foods that will rev up your metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning machine.
Sprouted grains
I do enjoy sprouted wheat bread sandwiches!
Phytic acid which is also known as an anti-nutrient occurs naturally in plant seeds
It is called an anti-nutrient, because it impairs the absorption of certain minerals like calcium, iron, and zinc, thus promoting mineral deficiencies.
When you eat sprouted grains, you provide your body with all the benefits it has to offer, by eliminating phytic acid.
Coconut flour
Besides being gluten-free, it is rich in fiber and Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs).
Choose coconut flour and see how much good it does to your heart health, digestion, blood sugar, and overall weight loss.
Coconut flour is always one of the smartest choices to consider when going for flour variations.
Almond butter
Almond butter contains a certain amino acid called L-arginine which increases your Human Growth Hormone (HGH), helps your body to put on more lean muscle, and burn more body fat.
If you take 1-2 tablespoons of almond butter a day, you could send your metabolism on a roller coaster ride.
That is how good it is!
This might shock a lot of you but stick with me to find out more!
Unlike margarine, which is seriously hydrogenated fat, your belly loves butter!
I am not talking about any kind of butter.
I am talking about grass-fed or pasture butter!
Yes, the one that is made from cows that eat grass, people!
Butter contains a fatty acid called, Conjugated Linoleic acid (CLA).
Several research studies show
that show the effectiveness of CLA in fat burning.
When cows eat grains, they have more omega-6 fats, but when they eat grass, they contain more CLA and more omega-3 fats.
Now, you know!
I urge you to do the right thing by choosing foods that will boost your metabolism.
The power is in your hand!
You can do it!
Great tips for boosting metabolism. Thank you coach.